'Once upon a time there was a young girl who loved her father very much' is how most fairy tales begin. This one however begins with an elegant old lady, talking to two young men, she proceeds to inform them of the 'real story' of the glass slipper.
Cinderella is a strong character, not meek or polite as we would probably expect in this film. Drew Barrymore, plays Danielle de Barbarac, is smart, polite, loyal and strong. In fact the first time she meets the Prince she infers that he is 'arrogant'. A very different meeting than Grimm and Walt Disney's interpretation. Although it does have a slight playfulness to it Cinderella is more witted and far less 'girly' and 'meek'.
'Ugly Step Sisters', 'tweedle dee and dum' as some have referred to them as, are slightly different from what we would expect. For example in this story there are a few variations for the stories we all might have heard 1. they aren't ugly, 2. they are as thick as how they are portrayed in the books and 3. they aren't the same in personality, one is more sympathetic and kind whilst the other seems to have gained all the jealousy and 'ugly' heart. Marguerite is favoured by her mother, perhaps this is why they are different in personality. Jacqueline is a fresh relief for this story, she appears to have a better understanding than her sister and even her mother. Jacqueline isn't blind to her mothers actions, she appears to be a bit sympathetic to Danielle.

The pictures are not my own, the links as to where I found them can be found below the pictures as a hyper-link.
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