Monday, 25 March 2013

Painting in practise

Scenic painting session 1
Learning the basics

Materials used:
Electricians tape
mix of paints close to the colours of a real wall as you can get them

This first image was done using electricians tape to mark out the bricks, then using idenem, thickly layer the idenem over the board. You have to wait for the idenem to dry enough to not run, but you can not wait to long to take the tape off, or else you will never get it off!
Once the idenem is completely dry then we can paint over the board using the mix of colours. 
Once the paint is dry we then dry brushed over the board. This technique only picks up the lumps and bumps of the idenem and creates a realistic appearance of wear of the brick.
The mortar was done as one of the last pieces and to create a neat line we used a light and short piece of scrap wood. 

This technique also involved electricians tape and idenem. This method gives more a smooth appearance and is mostly used in pantomimes. The mortar was used by having a piece of wood to lean on like in the other technique however for this style, we created a shadow and a highlight on the bricks to make them stand out. 

On this board we also tried wood graining using the same paints and a layer of shine to enable us to slide the wood graining tool over the board smoothly. 

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