Modelling on a Drawing Mannequin -
We started the new project by working on the drawing mannequins. Using our costume designs from The Beggar's Opera project in the first half of the term we are now developing one of our costume designs and making them into a 3D design.
I have chosen to recreate and model into a 3 dimensional costume my design for Miss Peachum. I think I wanted to do this particular costume because I thought that I could best represent the comedic aspect that I wanted to do for my concept.
With the mannequin, wrap cling film around the body and limbs to protect the wood from getting glue or paint on it. The Cling film will also be useful at the end when it comes to cutting off the tissue paper costume.
- Wrap mannequin in cling film to protect the mannequin.
- Start building up the shape of the costume that you are wanting to recreate.
- Women - make sure to include the under garments too illustrate the time period.
- Build up the tissue paper with glue and get the desired shape and silhouette of the time period.
- Colour the costume - either with coloured tissue paper or paint.
- Leave to dry
- Once dry cut a straight line down the back of you costume, this will make it easier to remove later.
- Leave to stand - perhaps create a structure that you could use to help the tissue paper costume keeps its shape whilst its not on the mannequin.
Repeat again doing a Man if you have already done a Woman, or vis versa.