This week we have been working in the Nottingham Playhouse workshop learning scenic painting techniques.
We started by taking a picture of a column that we liked then marked it out onto the board.
I thoroughly enjoyed marking out and building up the layers of paint for the column. Learning how to start with a light, watery base paint and creating marks in it which would show through at the end of the project. From here, the we then moved on to darker colours to create shadows. We started with a light colour first so that we could still see the lines that we had drawn on.
After creating the shadow we moved onto the making the darker sections a bit more dramatic. We did this by using more layers and using textured sponges. The sponges create the lines which I put on the left hand side of my pillar. Because it is meant to be viewed from a fair distance the lines of the sponge give a good visual effect of the shadow gradually darkening.
After the shadowing, we then placed some highlights along certain sections of the column. I chose the light to be coming from the middle right, as if the sun was setting to create a slightly harsh shadowing appearing on the left, I had pre decided what I wanted to do for a back ground and thus the lighting placed itself.
For the background I had already thought about and been inspired by an artist who inspired me a few years ago, as still does. I chose to follow the techniques of Bob Ross. I wanted to make a dream like sky which was beginning to set. I chose to use light blue and pink to create a dream like sky, towards the end of painting the sky I realised that I did not want the column to have little context, so from here I decided to make a mountainous landscape, giving the illusion that the column was at the top of a hill and from the top you could see mountins in the middle distance.
I really enjoyed this skills week and felt inspired again. I think I learnt a lot and I was a lot more carefree with my work than I normally am.